TACME Membership Signup

This form is for Credit Card payments ONLY.

Paying by check?
If you are paying by check, please click here.

Payment Terms
Membership fee is $30.00. Memberships expire on December 31 every year. Membership fees are not prorated. Review the Privacy Policy for details about the Stripe and TACME privacy policy.

***Email Verification***
Once you submit payment you will receive an email from TACME requesting to verify your email and confirm your membership. Please verify your email address by clicking on the link provided within the email. Please check your spam or junk folder in case you do not receive your verification email.

First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail Address
A verification link will be sent to this address.

Re-enter E-mail Address
Create a Password
8 Characters minimum.
Letters and Numbers only, no symbols!

Address *
Address 2 (optional)
City *
State / Province (optional)
ZIP or Postal Code *
Country *
Phone (optional)
Work Phone *
Title *
Credentials *
Organization *
Region (W/NE, South, SE, National (non-TX))) *
Membership Funded By (Myself, Institution) *
Accreditation Status (ie TMA, ACCME, N/A) *
CME Interests
Interest in serving on Nominating Committee?
Interest in serving on Communications Committee?
Interest in serving on Other Committees?
Interest in joining the TACME Board of Directors?
Processed securely by Stripe.

Items followed by an asterisk (*) are required. You must have Javascript and cookies enabled to use this form.